Wizard Of Time follows the adventures of three teenagers, Josh, Meri & Digger who get enlisted by a Wizard to put back an object stolen from time.
The characters are very likeable and the story, which has a dungeons & dragons feel to it, is easy to follow with lots of action and surprises along the way.
The three teens also have to get to grips with dormant magical powers before they can complete their tasks as well as deal with how to survive in a strange place/time with no-one to look out for them.
Anybody who likes the “King Arthur” legends will also enjoy this as the teens first adventure is based around this timeline.
The book is aimed at the YA market but I reckon any age would love the story as it kept me intrigued right to the end.
On the critical side the story never explains why the wizard could not just go on the mission himself and why he needs the help of the three teens and there’s not enough interruption, during the mission, from the bad guys.
But i’m guessing, from clues given in the story, that this is one of a series and hopefully the bad guys ( the Bards) will be more disruptive in future exploits.
Reviewed By David
Childrens Entertainers
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