Monday, 8 August 2011

While The Savage Sleeps - Andrew E Kaufman

Well where do i begin...The best words to describe this book are Wow,Wow,Wow. 
I can't express enough how Andrew captures you and catapults you into the middle of this story. 
The plot is fantasticly woven together and you are drawn in from page 1 right until the end. 
The story has you guessing all the way through as to what's going on and even with plenty of clues from the author you are still nowhere near what you thought was right. 
Everything just feels right, the feeling of the sleepy little town in the middle of nowhere and the depth to all the characters involved just add to the excellence of this book. 
You can tell that this author puts his heart and soul into the story when you read up on the type of research he endured in order to make the factual elements of the story as real as possible. 
This is his first book and if the rest of his work lives up to this standard then he is soon to have a lot of very happy reading fans around the world demanding more and more......and i will happily be one of those voices.

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